Introduction - Adding Content to SiteBuilder

Extending SiteBuilder

SiteBuilder is now designed to be extendable. Developers can add new Themes and modules. They can also extend our core libraries (and their own) with new layouts.


Developers will need to have a good understanding of:

  • Building a custom module on Siteglide
  • The syntax of writing JSON objects. We use this for configuration.

Theme or Module?

There are two main pathways to extending SiteBuilder with content and a good starting point is to work out which one matches your needs best. The two approaches are aimed at different use-cases.

  1. Create a Theme Developers - Creating SiteBuilder Themes

  2. Create a Module Developers - Support for Marketplace Modules

Using Content from 3rd Parties

If you wish to add a new library to SiteBuilder which contains code published by a 3rd party, please check that you are allowed to do so under the terms of your license, for example, if the license is "open-source". If you have a license which covers your own agency's use, but does not allow you to redistribute the code as your own product, it's advisable to either:

  • ask the copyright holder for permission to resell their content as a SiteBuilder-compatible module
  • build the module for your agency's personal use, but keep it "private" on the Siteglide marketplace.